Customer Complaints

The company values customer complaints and considers them as feedback/suggestions for improvement

Rights of a Customer




  • To be supplied with clean and portable water.
  • To complain on water matters and poor services.
  • To access relevant customer services.


How to lodge a complaint

Customers are encouraged to forward complaints, suggestions and compliments to the office address given below, either in person, by post, telephone, or by e-mail.

The Managing Director,
Nol-Turesh Loitokitok Water & Sanitation Co. Ltd
P.O Box 379 – 90132, SULTAN HAMUD
Tel. No. 0703203514 or 0715430682
Email address:

A complaints/suggestion box is maintained at the customer care office and receipt will be acknowledged within fifteen (15) days.

Complaints will also be reported and recorded in our registers at our water offices in Mashuru, Emali, Sultan Hamud and Kalanzoni respectively during working hours.

Complaints may be made from 8am to 5pm on working days at the head office or our area offices. Customers can report emergencies and pressing complaints during public holidays and weekends to area managers or any other officer.

While complaints will be treated with confidence, customers are encouraged to identify themselves to lend credence to their complaints

Response to Complaints

When a customer raises a complaint by phone, we will answer the call politely and direct the customer to the relevant officer who will deal with the issue.

We will respond to technical or non-technical complaints within 24 hours.

Our response to the complaint may take the form of:

  1. Advising the customer on what action we will take to right the wrong, and when it will be done
  2. Advising the customer on what part he/she can play to assist in resolving the problem.
  3. Verbal or written feedback on the issues addressed

Uses of customer complaints

All complaints shall be recorded at our customer service desks at head office or field offices and used for:

  • prompt follow-up
  • internal performance and process evaluation and monitoring
  • measuring the quality of our service, and • as the basis for revised targets for improvement and benchmarking



Treatment of Personal Information


We will treat the customer’s personal information confidentially. We will not give any information supplied to us to any individual or organization without the customer’s consent or unless we are required by the law to do so.

We will enable customers to examine and authorize changes to all their personal information for the purposes of updating the customer database;

We will discuss details of customer service only with themselves or their authorized representative/s.